Triptyque, member of wood-construction international players

It is a construction tendency that is gaining shape in many different countries which begin to value the architectural achievements possible with wood as well as its beauty, high structural, mechanic, acoustic and thermal performances, resistance to fire and environmental sustainability.
Given such meaningful potentials, three of the international wood-construction players – the FCBA, from France; the FPInnovations, from Canada; the Building Research Institute, from Japan – have joined efforts to organize the first world congress dedicated to presenting and discussing projects of 6 to 20-storey high buildings made of wood, as well as the construction of sustainable cities for the ecological transition.
Brazil is now part of this group. Triptyque, AMATA, the Coalizão Brasil Clima Florestas e Agricultura (Brasil Coalition for Climate Forests and agriculture), the IBA, the IPT and ABNT will all take part in the First congress of High-Rise Wooden Building.
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